Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Opposite of Dots

Silly us, we spent our afternoon taking pictures of our new dotty tops but we absent mindedly left the entire camera, pictures etc in the office. So instead of talking about dots as promised today, a couple of stripes which we've shown before but this time in another colour:


#1 Stripeys


Most of these were grabbed at our previous party when we decided to give a sneak preview pre-party so now, for the benefit of all TWO online shoppers, you can get one too!

= legs! (well, we've only got these two colours left so we don't wanna be too excited

Knit Stripey Scrunched Tube [T0208]: Grey (above) & Black (below) - we'd say it's more S up to about an M, the band can be pretty snug - we hate to do this but only one piece in each color
= RM 36
= RM15
(**update, 8/1/08 : Grey - last piece)

and in black:


#2 Cover-ups



In case it gets a little chilly, light jersey boleros. Always stuffable conveniently in a handbag!

= arms!

Jersey Boleros [Ooo26]: Black, Teal and White - Free Size
= RM 35
(**update, 8/1/08 : we should have done this earlier - Sold Out)

And yes, tomorrow, back to dots.

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