If You Have Like, 2 Seconds
If you have 2 seconds you don't know what to do with, please help us answer our 2-question poll on the right? It's like the easiest poll you've ever had the chance to anwer, promise!
If you have 2 seconds you don't know what to do with, please help us answer our 2-question poll on the right? It's like the easiest poll you've ever had the chance to anwer, promise!
Posted by Leng at 8:39 PM 4 shopaholics exclaimed OMG!
Posted by Leng at 11:39 PM 0 shopaholics exclaimed OMG!
Labels: bracelets
Whaddya know, it's time for some good ol trip down memory lane, only for a very very short time though cause what we're resurrecting here will probably not be here for long:
Wokay, 5 minutes with the camera and we've got the purple and blue belts now! We hastily post this now that Black & White is no longer available:
Posted by Leng at 6:54 PM 2 shopaholics exclaimed OMG!
Labels: belts
That was our exact words when we saw these bangles:
Posted by Leng at 11:35 PM 1 shopaholics exclaimed OMG!
Labels: bracelets
Ever since Flea wore a very gorgeous dress to a friend's wedding with a kinda 'tulip' type structure, we've been looking for something with similar details and we're plenty glad with our hard work, or really, not that hard, but looking that hard at these dresses strains our brains to no end cause we just can't take our eyes off them:
Posted by Leng at 10:25 PM 2 shopaholics exclaimed OMG!